Jonah and Historicity III – The Fish, Literary Features, and the NT
In my previous two posts, I dealt with some preliminaries (Jonah and Historicity I) and the historical issues proper (Jonah and Historicity II). In this final post, I want to address some remaining questions such as the fish that swallowed…
Jonah and Historicity II – The Historical Issues
In today’s post, I continue the topic of Jonah’s historicity. In my initial post, I reflected on why the debate is so heated and discussed underlying assumptions about the nature of truth (see post Jonah and Historicity I). Today, I…
Jonah and Historicity I – The Nature of Truth
Whenever Jonah is mentioned, the first question I get is usually about the fish and how Jonah could survive in it, but it makes me sad that when this query is answered, people move on as if there were nothing…
What does it take for God to hear our cry? (Jonah 2)
Jonah 1:17; 2:1-10 A Hungarian play written in the early twentieth century called ‘Blue Fox’ describes the tangled relationships of a married couple, a family friend who loves Cecile (the wife), and another man who may be her lover. The…
Why must Jonah ‘die’? (Jonah 1:10-16)
Jonah 1:10-16 A Christian I know made a disastrous marriage that ended in divorce. Saddened by what had happened to her, she struggled with the thought that God did not warn her. Why did she have to go through all…
What happens when we resist God’s will? (Jonah 1:1-9)
Jonah 1:1-9 There is no question that responding to God’s call and doing His will are demanding. I well remember my trepidation at the thought of teaching and the sense of diminishment I felt after every time I spoke. A…
Introduction to Jonah
The story of Jonah is part of the Minor Prophets (minor indicates the short length of these books, not their importance). Although other prophetic books contain descriptions of events around a prophetic figure (e.g. Amos 7:10-17, Jer 26:7-24) alongside their…
An inside look at evil (Nahum 3)
Nahum 3:1-19 The years leading up to the 1956 uprising in Hungary were filled with terror for many. Some were taken off the street for questioning and torture, condemned in mock trials and sent off to a hard labour camp,…
Why should we care about Nineveh’s fall? (Nahum 2:3-13)
Nahum 2:3-13 Reading today the chapter-long description of how Nineveh fell seems rather tedious. Why should we care about it? To give a modern parallel, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was, though peaceful, a likewise momentous event.…
Is judgment necessary? Can’t God just forgive? (Nahum 1:9-2:2)
Nahum 1:9-15; 2:1-2 The question of God’s judgment is often raised today. Shouldn’t God just forgive if He is the God of love? The discomfort with judgment has no doubt complex reasons, but modern secular society’s definition of love and…