Is God angry and vengeful? (Nahum 1:1-8)
Nahum 1:1-8 The little book of Nahum is not much read, I expect, even among Christians and little is known of the circumstances in which it arose (see footnote).[1] Its message of a ‘jealous and avenging God’ (Nahum 1:2) is…
What if God had not been on our side? (Psalm 124)
Ps 124:1-8 In my early twenties, I was going to a friend’s wedding in Budapest. Having just returned from a trip to the UK, I got used to looking right when crossing the road. I was in an unfamiliar part…
How to take hold of the transforming power of grace (Genesis 50)
Gen 50:1-26 The late American preacher, Tim Keller, told the story of a teenage Christian girl who knew she was saved by grace, forgiven and that one day she would be with Jesus after her death, yet she felt depressed.…
Where do we see our future lie? (Gen 49:8-33)
Gen 49:8-33 Reading through Jacob’s deathbed speech and finding significance in it for us is, I must admit, difficult. For one thing, many of the sayings are obscure and hard to relate to particular events in Israel’s future. For another,…
How to live with the mystery of God’s election? (Gen 49:1-7)
Gen 49:1-7 Randolph Churchill, the son of the war-time Prime Minister Winston Churchill, was a gifted communicator, bright, handsome, and well-connected. His father indulged him and allowed him at a young age to participate in dinner conversations with politicians of…
Depending on God’s mercy (Genesis 48)
Gen 48:1-22 When I ponder my life and the opportunities I have been given compared to my parents’ generation, I feel humbled. They spent most of their lives under a Communist system that restricted travel and isolated people from the…
Is Joseph exploitative with the Egyptians? (Gen 47:13-31)
Gen 47:13-31 Our reading continues the story of God’s provision that focused earlier on Jacob’s family and hinted at God’s larger concern for His entire world. However, Joseph’s measures to provide sustenance for the Egyptians may seem rather harsh and…
The secret to renewing our walk with God (Psalm 103)
Ps 103:1-22 The New Year is traditionally a time of stocktaking and making resolutions, but so often these peter out within a few weeks. Our determination for a renewed walk with God (more Bible reading, prayer, becoming more loving, humble,…
Happy Christmas and New Year!
Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas and God’s presence with you in the New Year! Thank you for reading along this year. I shall be back next week with the usual schedule.
Christmas: The King whose power can be trusted
Dan 7:13-14; Mk 10:32-45 Western secular culture seems obsessed with the question of power today. Young people are often suspicious of authority and refuse to submit to it and want to make their own way, irrespective of authority figures and…