2 Samuel 21-24
A portrait of David and the heart of God
2 Sam 24:18-25 During my time as a Bible college student, a classmate wrote down each of our names on a separate sheet of paper and suggested that we all anonymously wrote a sentence for each person about what we…
The census and what it reveals of David’s heart
2 Sam 24:1-17 The concluding chapters of Samuel have taken us through some central truths relating to David’s kingship that are also applicable to our Christian lives. The heart of the message in the two songs (chs. 22-23) focused on…
David’s census: Did God tempt him to sin?
2 Sam 24:1-10 Along with the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, this passage is among the most confusing in the Old Testament. We read that the Lord was angry with Israel and incited David to number the people (2 Sam 24:1)…
David’s mighty men: The challenge of the years of plenty
2 Sam 23:8-39 A Hungarian pastor I know, who (like many) was blacklisted during the Communist years and was banned from preaching in Budapest, pastored a small church in the countryside. He was a charismatic leader and preacher and responded…
David’s last words: The triumph of God’s grace
2 Sam 23:1-7 People sometimes say, ‘I’ll forgive him (or her), but I’ll never forget’. Even if we are not as obvious with our grudge against others, true forgiveness and treating someone as if they had never done anything wrong…
David’s reflections: The hidden source of strength
2 Sam 22:29-51 Recently, my husband and I went on a hike to a waterfall, then further on to the ridge line of some hills and, following a loop track, descended back into the valley. We did this route first…
With the faithful You show yourself faithful: Undeserved grace or merit?
2 Sam 22:21-28 Before I came to faith, studying at school felt easy for me. I did not have to think about it but just got on with the tasks at hand. However, when I became a Christian in my…
David reflects on his life: The path to trusting God
2 Sam 22:1-20 Reflections at funerals can be uplifting as we gain a deeper insight into the inner life and character of the person who died, what motivated them and what they cared most deeply about. A recent funeral I…
A weary king: The secret to true effectiveness in God’s service
2 Sam 21:15-22 Tim Keller was a well-known American pastor and preacher who started Redeemer Presbyterian Church, an inner-city congregation in New York that experienced exponential growth leading to several other ministries. Keller was a gifted teacher, who understood and…
Atonement for the Gibeonites: How to deal with sin
2 Sam 21:1-4 The story of the Gibeonites is one that we find hard to make sense of. For one thing, why did God bring disaster during David’s reign, when it was his predecessor who sinned? Secondly, and most importantly,…