The remedy for wilful blindness (Jer 2:20-37)
Jer 2:20-37 Early on in my teaching career I came across a student who was particularly enthusiastic, and it was a joy to see his interaction in class and hear his probing questions. However, mid-way through the course he disappeared…
The damage we do to ourselves (Jer 2:1-19)
Jer 2:1-19 It is common to hear non-Christians say that they cannot believe in a God who would bar them from ‘heaven’ just because they do not acknowledge Him or live up to His expectations. However, this is a serious…
What God’s calling involves (Jeremiah 1)
Jer 1:1-19 A few years after I came to faith, I led some Bible studies in a church camp. During that time my pastor asked me if I had ever thought of training to be a pastor myself. I dismissed…
Introduction to Jeremiah
Jeremiah and Josiah’s reform There is no prophet of whose life and emotions we know as much as Jeremiah’s. Called from a priestly family in the small town of Anathoth (Jer 1:1), 3-4 km north of Jerusalem, he preached to…