The unexpected ways of God (Judg 13:24-14:4)
Judg 13:24-25; 14:1-4 Today’s passage makes for uncomfortable reading and our understanding hinges on the phrase that Samson’s marriage plans were ‘from the Lord’ (Judg 14:4). Does this mean God’s approval? How can it, though, when God elsewhere condemns intermarriage…
Learning to see God’s involvement (Judg 13:15-25)
Judg 13:15-25 Going to a job interview in the UK shortly after receiving my doctorate, I was trying to anticipate the kind of questions I might be asked. As a rookie Old Testament scholar who spent the previous three years…
An important prerequisite to hearing God (Judg 13:8-14)
Judg 13:8-14 When I was an undergraduate theology student, one of my tutors led us in a seminar discussion. Sadly, he was only interested in hearing us regurgitate scholarly opinions, which made for a rather boring session. One classmate ventured…
Truly hearing what God is saying (Judg 13:1-7)
Judg 13:1-7 Once I was sitting in a café with a friend and telling her something that happened to me, when the story was interrupted by the arrival of two other friends. After the initial greetings and orders placed for…