Bible reading notes
Walking in the way of life (Jer 38:14-28)
Jer 38:14-28 When some people hear the gospel, their response is, ‘you mean, you need not do anything to merit God’s favour, that it is all grace? Isn’t that too easy?’. The truth is that for many, it can be…
How to stand up for the truth (Jer 38:1-13)
Jer 38:1-13 A pastor friend was once involved in a gathering with other pastors. One of them spoke up and swore using God’s name. My friend was shocked and confronted the swearer who resisted any correction. My friend felt that…
Hearers or doers of the Word? (Jeremiah 37)
Jer 37:1-21 During my career as Old Testament lecturer, I encountered a number of students who would come to me after their essays failed to make the mark. Some were belligerent, disputing their result, others asked lots of questions about…
What God’s perseverance says about Him (Jer 36:20-32)
Jer 36:20-32 In an earlier post I mentioned that my Dad taught me English in my teenage years. Day after day, he would come into my room and ask if we were studying tonight and if I said ‘not tonight’,…
What is the purpose of God’s Word? (Jer 36:1-19)
Jer 36:1-19 A few years ago, there was an initiative in my church to read through the Bible in one year. The plan involved reading several chapters each weekday (weekends allowed for catch-up). Afterwards, many commented on the way reading…
How to choose who we listen to (Jeremiah 35)
Jer 35:1-19 I recently heard an interview with a young woman who in her teenage years felt uncomfortable being a girl (abuse was a contributing factor). Feeling lonely, she turned to social media and discovered that she could become a…
How can lasting change happen? (Jeremiah 34)
Jer 34:1-22 A Christian woman I know was looking after her ailing mother who was extremely controlling and tried to arrange her daughter’s life for her. While the daughter felt that her mother needed her, she could not cope with…
When God responds to our anxieties (Jer 33:14-26)
Jer 33:14-26 A year before I went to Israel on a gap year, I moved out of the room I shared with my brother into the boxroom. Although it was smaller and darker, I loved arranging the furniture and decorating…
Making sense of God’s anger and love (Jer 33:1-13)
Jer 33:1-13 A question hard to fathom for our human mind is the interplay between God’s love and judgment, His holiness that cannot tolerate sin and yet His faithfulness to sinful people. Whenever we try to resolve this tension in…
How to tackle a crisis of faith (Jer 32:16-44)
Jer 32:16-44 The NT mentions the shield of faith that can quench the flaming arrows of the evil one (Eph 6:16). Roman shields that Paul may have had in mind were tall, rectangular and could hide the body from shoulder…