Bible reading notes
When God provides against the odds (Gen 24:1-15)
Gen 24:1-15 In the early nineties, I visited Israel on a tourist trip, and dearly wanted to go back for a gap year. I felt God saying that I would be back, but opportunities seemed scarce. The only option I…
The slow outworking of God’s purposes (Gen 22:20-23:20)
Gen 22:20-24; 23:1-20 It keeps amazing me how God works out His purposes without any hurry. We are often anxious that we are running out of time whether we wait for God’s direction in our careers, for financial support for…
The path to life (Psalm 16)
Psalm 16:1-11 This psalm is used both by Peter at Pentecost and Paul later (Acts 2:27-33; 13:34-39) to support the idea that Messiah had to die and be raised to life again, thus it is an appropriate passage to reflect…
How could a loving God demand child sacrifice? (Genesis 22)
Gen 22:1-19 A question that is particularly difficult for modern readers in the story of Genesis 22 is how God could demand human sacrifice and a child’s at that. Isn’t this the kind of thing that gives the OT and…
How do we see God in testing times? (Gen 22:1-19)
Gen 22:1-19 A young woman I know was excommunicated by her church as a teenager and lost her family and all her security. Another family took her in, yet she could have been scarred for life and never gone near…
Why did God test Abraham? (Gen 22:1-19)
Gen 22:1-19 I must admit that this passage used to strike fear in my heart (and still does to some extent). Coming from a Christian background where obedience was emphasised above all, this incident in Abraham’s life always evoked for…
God’s sustaining faithfulness (Gen 21:22-34)
Gen 21:22-34 A number of Christians I know have given up well-paid jobs, sometimes at prestigious companies, to do Christian ministry of some sort. As a result, they often lost status within the secular world, as well as financial security.…
The chosen and the unchosen – is God unfair?
Gen 21:15-21; Deut 9:1-7 A prominent question in Genesis is election or who is chosen by God. Throughout the book, some like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are chosen, others like Ishmael and Esau are not. This is not unique to…
The truth about God’s people (Gen 21:1-14)
Gen 21:1-14 As a teenager attending Bible study, I soon began to wonder if I were a Christian. I grew up in a Christian home, we went to church as a family. What was I missing? Was I really missing…
When God’s grace overrides sinful choices (Genesis 20)
Gen 20:1-18 A dear friend of mine is notorious for standing me up on occasion. We agree on a time and place, I duly turn up and wait and wait with my friend nowhere in sight. Apparently, it only happens…