Bible reading notes
The good news that calls for a response (Luke 2:8-20)
Luke 2:8-20 Browsing among Christmas cards recently, I was struck again by how few options exist that have anything to do with the meaning of Christmas. ‘Merry Christmas’ is increasingly replaced by ‘Happy Holidays’ and ‘Seasons’ Greetings’. The odd card…
How God’s power really works (Luke 2:1-7)
Luke 2:1-7 My father worked in import-export during the Communist era in Hungary. He was an avid reader, particularly of history, and on business trips abroad he often bought books that the regime would not allow in the country because…
Pondering God’s salvation (Luke 1:57-80)
Luke 1:57-80 As a new Christian reading through the gospels, I remember puzzling over the way they presented what salvation meant, which sounded far less spiritual than I expected. Some incidents connected the concept to being delivered from danger or…
How God’s faithfulness turns the tables (Luke 1:39-56)
Luke 1:39-56 Who has not known the feelings of elation when God’s plans come to fruition in our lives? We may have promises that we cling to, hopes that the Lord will come through for us and then we wait…
God’s unexpected plan and our response (Luke 1:26-38)
Luke 1:26-38 When my husband and I considered moving to New Zealand, it seemed logical to settle in Christchurch where his family is based, but when on a visit we explored jobs (especially for me), no door was opening. We…
What it takes to prepare for God’s coming (Luke 1:5-25)
Luke 1:5-25 In my twenties I was involved in a Christian mission reaching out to international students in the UK. I was to live with a host family that year who had a room with a separate phone line and…
Going back to the basics (Psalm 100)
Ps 100:1-5 There are times when we live through a difficult period and are shaken in our convictions about God’s character. At other times we experience a season of ease and may drift away from the Lord. Alternatively, it is…
Learning about God’s justice in the world II (Jer 25:15-38)
Jer 25:15-38 Today we continue our reflections on God’s justice (see my last post Learning about God’s justice in the world I.). Tragedy and difficulties in life can shake our faith in God. It is as if the Lord had…
Learning about God’s justice in the world I. (Jer 25:1-14)
Jer 25:1-14 Judgment is not a popular topic, and many feel a tension between God’s love and grace and the idea that He might judge. At the same time, it is interesting how much the concept of justice has gained…
How to understand God’s intent through events? (Jeremiah 24)
Jer 24:1-10 After the Christchurch earthquakes some Christians insisted that the city suffered terribly because the people there were more sinful than the rest. This is a common connection made between tragic events and God’s judgment and the Old Testament…