Bible reading notes
How God responds to our despair (Jer 15:10-21)
Jer 15:10-21 Some years ago, I heard a pastor talk about the cost of ministry and to illustrate this, he read out his journal entries of a typical week. His description was a litany of woes about church meetings that…
Is there a time when God does not forgive? (Jer 14:1-15:9)
Jer 14:1-22; 15:1-9 We like to think of God as infinitely forgiving, ‘the God of second chances’ and given that Jesus told his disciples to forgive seventy times seven (Matt 18:21-22), it is hard to imagine that God would have…
When God exposes our inconsistencies (Jer 13:1-27)
Jer 13:1-27 Twenty-odd years ago on a tourist trip to Israel, I was struck by the way our Jewish guide took pride in his people’s special place in history. Talking of the Jerusalem temple, he joked that Jews had a…
Should we let go of justice when we forgive? (Jer 11:18-12:17)
Jer 11:18-23; 12:1-17 One time when I was giving a lecture on Isaiah 53, the Suffering Servant who was crushed and wounded and endured suffering that we may be healed, someone asked me whether an abused person should keep accepting…
How to live with delays in justice? (Jer 11:18-12:17)
Jer 11:18-23; 12:1-17 During my gap year working in a Christian youth hostel in Israel, the manager went with his family on a six-months furlough to the States. His deputy, installed for the interim, turned out to be a difficult…
Is God’s love conditional? (Jer 11:1-17)
Jer 11:1-17 At first glance, this chapter reads as if the relationship with God were conditional on obedience. Do as I say and then you will be my people (Jer 11:4). Christians raised on the doctrine of salvation by grace…
The journey back to God (Jer 10:17-25)
Jer 10:17-25 Testimonies of how people come to faith in God can be immensely fascinating, particularly when the person describing the experience can do so in a way that brings home the reality of how God touched their lives. I…
How to break the power of idolatry (Jer 10:1-16)
Jer 10:1-16 We tend to think of addiction as having chemical hooks that keep users trapped in the habit. In a TED Talk I heard recently,[1] the speaker explained that this narrative is based on an experiment in the 20th…
How to make sense of our lives (Jer 9:12-26)
Jer 9:12-26 When disaster strikes, whether on a grand scale (e.g. war, earthquake, flood) or on a personal level (illness, loss of a loved one, misfortune), the most commonly asked question is ‘why’. Why, God? Why me? Why now? Why…
Is God really a harsh judge? (Jer 8:18-9:11)
Jer 8:18-22; 9:1-11 When I was in my early teens, my Dad started teaching me English. As I had a flare for languages, I often depended on it to carry me through rather than on doing the work. As a…