Bible reading notes
What God’s calling involves (Jeremiah 1)
Jer 1:1-19 A few years after I came to faith, I led some Bible studies in a church camp. During that time my pastor asked me if I had ever thought of training to be a pastor myself. I dismissed…
Introduction to Jeremiah
Jeremiah and Josiah’s reform There is no prophet of whose life and emotions we know as much as Jeremiah’s. Called from a priestly family in the small town of Anathoth (Jer 1:1), 3-4 km north of Jerusalem, he preached to…
What it takes to have fellowship with God (Psalm 15)
Ps 15:1-5 A friend with a burdened past was overwhelmed by God’s presence and love that she felt through the worshippers in a church. The service was simple (no hanging from the chandeliers kind of excitement), but it awakened her…
How best to evaluate biblical characters?
When I was teaching Old Testament in Bible college/seminary, some of my students interpreted biblical characters in a very black-and-white fashion. Either they decided that someone was praiseworthy and played up the good in them while ignoring the shady side…
The path of redemption (Judg 16:23-31)
Judg 16:23-31 During an evening course in my twenties, I met another young woman, and we soon discovered that we were both Christians. As we walked to the underground after class each week, we often had long conversations in front…
The source of our strength (Judg 16:15-22)
Judg 16:15-22 A few years after I came to faith, the Christian life became a heavy burden. My church background emphasised obedience and denying oneself and life with God turned into joyless drudgery. That summer, things came to a head,…
The power of desire (Judg 16:4-14)
Judg 16:4-14 Kipling in one of his Just So Stories (‘The Cat that Walked by Himself’) describes how the Cat manages step by step to wheedle his way into the cave where the Woman lives with her Man and her…
Why character matters (Judg 16:1-3)
Judg 16:1-3 In a youth group I co-led with a friend, there was a teenager who came to faith. Even after his commitment to Christ, the others thought him a little arrogant, a bit of a know-it-all. When he opened…
Awakening to God’s purpose (Judg 15:14-20)
Judg 15:14-20 Some people seem to know instinctively what is meant to be their purpose in life, a particular career, involvement in a church and its ministry, building a home and family or some combination of these. Their own desire,…
God has something better for us (Judg 15:9-13)
Judg 15:9-13 Rosaria Champagne Butterfield was an associate professor in the English Department of an American university in the 1990s. She had no time for Christians whom she considered intellectually shallow. However, when she was researching the Religious Right, she…