Bible reading notes
God works in mysterious ways (Judg 14:19-15:8)
Judg 14:19-20; 15:1-8 During his career, my father took it into his head to join a particular company. His first attempt was unsuccessful due to a coincidence (I forget now why). When he tried again years later, the respective wives…
How faithfulness may be eroded (Judg 14:10-18)
Judg 14:10-18 A fellow student I knew in the UK had a father who was the stereotypical Indian immigrant with his corner dairy and ambition to make a better life for his children. His daughter wanted to break out of…
Overcoming the sin that entraps us (Judg 14:5-9)
Judg 14:5-9 The 2011 film, The Artist, tells the story of an actor who became a star in the silent movie era. The film opens with him at the height of his popularity in the 1920s playing a captured spy.…
The unexpected ways of God (Judg 13:24-14:4)
Judg 13:24-25; 14:1-4 Today’s passage makes for uncomfortable reading and our understanding hinges on the phrase that Samson’s marriage plans were ‘from the Lord’ (Judg 14:4). Does this mean God’s approval? How can it, though, when God elsewhere condemns intermarriage…
Learning to see God’s involvement (Judg 13:15-25)
Judg 13:15-25 Going to a job interview in the UK shortly after receiving my doctorate, I was trying to anticipate the kind of questions I might be asked. As a rookie Old Testament scholar who spent the previous three years…
An important prerequisite to hearing God (Judg 13:8-14)
Judg 13:8-14 When I was an undergraduate theology student, one of my tutors led us in a seminar discussion. Sadly, he was only interested in hearing us regurgitate scholarly opinions, which made for a rather boring session. One classmate ventured…
Truly hearing what God is saying (Judg 13:1-7)
Judg 13:1-7 Once I was sitting in a café with a friend and telling her something that happened to me, when the story was interrupted by the arrival of two other friends. After the initial greetings and orders placed for…
Finding the way to spiritual health (Psalm 32)
Ps 32:1-11 A former work colleague was in a high-pressure job and would tell anyone who cared to listen that she could only cope because she had a strategy of ‘wellness’, a term used nowadays to express the state of…
Losing the ability to understand the Bible (Neh 13:23-31)
Neh 13:23-31 A couple I know from England immigrated to Argentina. The husband was English and the wife Argentinian, their children were born there, went to school there, and outside of the home spoke only Spanish. Even at home, where…
How best to deal with temptation (Neh 13:15-22)
Neh 13:15-22 Over two years ago, we used to get a neighbouring cat come over to visit. Although I am more of a dog person, it was hard to resist her cute little face and ingratiating ways. I drew the…