Bible reading notes
Jephthah and the elders negotiate – What drives us? (Judg 11:4-11)
Once, when I took an evening course for further training, I had a Christian classmate who was starved for affection and believed that she wasn’t lovable. To feel loved, she would give people lots of presents and provide small services…
Jephthah and a compromised people (Judg 10:17–11:3)
As the story continues, we expect God to raise up a judge (e.g. Judg 3:9, 15), but this is not mentioned. Instead, the elders of Gilead (the area closest to the Ammonite threat), advertise the leadership job (10:17). We may…
Israel cries out to God – Help me but stay out of my life! (Judg 10:6–16)
While not all difficulties are an indication of sin, sometimes God brings circumstances into our lives to call us to our senses. Like the prodigal son in Jesus’ parable in Luke 15, our struggles may awaken us to our need…