How God’s power really works (Luke 2:1-7)
Luke 2:1-7 My father worked in import-export during the Communist era in Hungary. He was an avid reader, particularly of history, and on business trips abroad he often bought books that the regime would not allow in the country because…
Pondering God’s salvation (Luke 1:57-80)
Luke 1:57-80 As a new Christian reading through the gospels, I remember puzzling over the way they presented what salvation meant, which sounded far less spiritual than I expected. Some incidents connected the concept to being delivered from danger or…
How God’s faithfulness turns the tables (Luke 1:39-56)
Luke 1:39-56 Who has not known the feelings of elation when God’s plans come to fruition in our lives? We may have promises that we cling to, hopes that the Lord will come through for us and then we wait…
God’s unexpected plan and our response (Luke 1:26-38)
Luke 1:26-38 When my husband and I considered moving to New Zealand, it seemed logical to settle in Christchurch where his family is based, but when on a visit we explored jobs (especially for me), no door was opening. We…
What it takes to prepare for God’s coming (Luke 1:5-25)
Luke 1:5-25 In my twenties I was involved in a Christian mission reaching out to international students in the UK. I was to live with a host family that year who had a room with a separate phone line and…
Remember what He told you! (Luke 24:1-12)
Luke 24:1-12 A girl in my youth group wished she had lived in Jesus’ time and could have met Him in the flesh. I suspect we can all relate to that desire. How much better it would be if we…
Where do we stand? What do we see? (Luke 23:44-49)
Luke 23:44-49 If one googles ‘optical illusions’, there is usually a drawing of a woman among the images. Some see her as young with her head turned away, others as old and in profile. Most notice one or other of…
The path no one knew was there (Psalm 77)
Ps 77:1-20 As we set out in the New Year and reflect on 2021, Covid is still with us and just when we began to think that life will be getting back to some normalcy, the Omicron variant arrived raising…
The most needful thing in life (John 1:14-18)
John 1:14-18; Exod 33:15-23; 34:1-9 One of the hardest things of the Covid pandemic has been the social isolation we felt or may be feeling even now. When we face a crisis, are anxious, wrestle with tough questions, we want…
Moving from despair to hope (Ps 22:21-31)
Ps 22:21-31 When we are miserable and the world looks bleak, moving from despair to hope seems impossible. It is what the disciples must have felt looking at Jesus dying on the cross. In our lives too, when God’s power…