2 Samuel,  2 Samuel 21-24,  Bible reading notes

David’s reflections: The hidden source of strength

2 Sam 22:29-51

Recently, my husband and I went on a hike to a waterfall, then further on to the ridge line of some hills and, following a loop track, descended back into the valley. We did this route first shortly after we had moved to New Zealand, and by the end of it I was exhausted! However, I have done a lot more walking since, so it was a lot less effort this time around. Much as going uphill was a pain, it was wonderful to arrive at the top and start our descent with the vista of the bay and some islands spreading out in front of us. These observations that becoming physically fitter helps our endurance and the view is better from the top are self-evident for us in the physical world, but we sometimes forget that they are true in spiritual terms as well.

Getting to the top

David’s psalm is a wonderful testimony to God’s faithfulness and the hidden source of strength he experienced, but if we are not at a ‘lookout point’ in our journey, we may only feel the strain and effort of the climb and be discouraged by the obstacles on the way. How did David get to this point? As we remember his struggles when he fled from Saul, we realise that he had lots of experience to practice getting fitter. Every time he placed his trust in the Lord in sticky situations, his faith was strengthened that God was going to come through for him. Neither did he always see the full picture, but now he is looking back from the top with the whole vista of what has been achieved—battles won and enemies crushed (2 Sam 22:41, 43), confirmation of his kingship and submission even of the nations (2 Sam 22:44-45)—spreading out in front of him.

David's reflections: The hidden source of strength (2 Sam 22:29-51). God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. (2 Sam 22:31, NLT)

The perspective from the top

It is important to note, however, what perspective David brings to the view at the top. At such times, it may be tempting to forget the help received and claim it all as one’s achievement, but David knows better. Throughout these verses, he acknowledges God’s support, enabling and protection. He knows that he could only arrive because the Lord gave him the power to leap over a wall (2 Sam 22:30), to bend a bronze bow (2 Sam 22:35), to have strength for the battle (2 Sam 22:40). God was his rock and fortress (2 Sam 22:32-33) when he was vulnerable, He shielded and delivered him (v.40) and did not allow his foot to slip (lit. his ankle to wobble; 2 Sam 22:37). His experiences taught David about God’s character at a deeper level, so he can confidently say that the Lord is blameless, that is, no one can accuse Him of not keeping His word (2 Sam 22:31). Put differently, He is faithful and shows covenant commitment and loyal love (ḥesed, NASB ‘lovingkindness; 2 Sam 22:51). What an outcome after all David’s struggles!

Hope for our journey

No matter from what vantage point we read this psalm, it can give us hope. If we are toiling uphill, uncertain of the outcome of our efforts, wondering if we can make it or if it is even worth ‘the view’ at the top, the psalm reminds us that there is more at the end of the journey than what our eyes can take in when we are plodding along. As we remember the Lord and take courage from someone else’s perspective from the top, we can know that those muscles of faith and trust are being strengthened as we strain forward. Not that the aim is faith itself but that it enables us to connect to the Lord and find strength in Him. It is also important to remember to take stock when we reach the top, when a goal is met and a hope is fulfilled. The psalm reminds us that our accomplishments are only possible because the Lord has enabled us. Savouring the moment with gratitude for what God has done for us helps ingrain this perspective in us and strengthens us for the next leg of the journey. Whether at the top or on the way, may we remember and remind ourselves of the Lord’s loving faithfulness and enabling strength.

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